Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rant and Rave Wednesday

Wednesday, July 1, 2009....

Any readers following me on a regular basis know if it's Wednesday, it's time to Rant and Rave about the past week. Without further adieu, here are my Rants and Raves from the past week:

Rave: I'll start with the obvious in my world. Last week I mentioned how snarky I was during a phone interview when I was in the throws of Brain Fog....well, I guess I wasn't that snarky. I got called in to interview with the hiring manager next week.

Rave?/Rant: It's July 1st! Half of 2009 is gone and I'm not sure where it went.

Rant: Spent a boat load of time cleaning the fridge out only to have it overcrowded after one shopping trip. Ugh....If I only I could exist on yogurt and water, I'd have a clean fridge 24/7.

Rave: Used lettuce from my garden. First veggie garden grown as an adult.

Rave: A few decent days have broken up the endless days of rain. More rain is expected, but I'm hoping the Weather Channel is wrong.

So, how was your week? Oddly enough, no rude people this week, which I love. Any Rants and Raves you want to share? I would love to hear them or if you're doing your own Rant & Rave Wednesday, put your link in the comments section so others can read.


Optimistic Pessimist said...

well considering that my entire post is basically a rant today i think i should try to find something to rave about tomorrow.

Also - congrats on getting a call back! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the call back. And congrats on the first home grown salad. I think I might try that sometime. If I could only have one rant - it would be traffic. Always traffic. Sigh.

lacochran said...

Clearly you weren't snarky. You were delightfully sassy! Keep it up and good luck!

Heckety said...

Congrats on interview and lettuce, both are achievements!
We've been having a great summer so far, warm, breezy but very few howling gales, dry and wet in suitable combination, everything growing beautifully- but today its been a MONSOON! Swam to the shop, swam home, paddled children to the get my drift...!!

Kimberly @ Bookmark To Blog said...

I just had lettuce from the garden for the first time too! Yay! ps- thanks for your comments on my blog.

Children of the 90s said...

Ooh, lettuce from your garden! I love that it's a first vegetable you've grown as an adult--it is definitely something to celebrate :)

I also can't believe it's July already. Where has 2009 gone?

Charmaine said...

What???? You used the lettuce from your garden???

I can't. My lettuce LOOKS great, but it tastes like chicken manure.

It really does. I just have to settle for looking at it.

Maybe if I use LOTS of blue cheese. No. I'm still not gonna eat it.

Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...

It really seems like it has done nothing but rain so far this summer. And I don't know about where you are, but around here, it sure has been a mild summer. Yeah, where has 2009 gone?

TudorCity Girl said...

Ha! Love it. It is scary that the first half of '09 is gone..Where did it go, is right!
CONGRATS on the interview!!!!! Have to hear more about this. GOOD LUCK!
Thanks for the kind comment on my blog-- yes, writing the poem about Dragon Breath was great closure! :)

Kandi said...

I could write a book of rants, pick a subject, I will rant about it! LOL

rachaelgking said...

Some people like snark. *two thumbs pointed at myself* Like THIS GIRL!!!

SillyStud said...

Rave-Thanks for letting me RANT via phone. Your advice is always top notch!

Rant-My mother has started speaking in pronouns, which is very disconcerting when she hasn't established about whom she's speaking... it's driving me up the wall!

Unknown said...

A day is a day is a day - I only hope that the rant and raves balance by the end of the day.

P.S. Don't forget to add the radishes from the garden to the salad - makes for a great taste and texture.

Missy said...

Not much to rave about and not much to rant about! Pretty good week so far!

Anonymous said...

rave:made lots of extra moeny this week...hope it continues
rant: the heat wave currently torturing the UK,making it hard to breathe,sleep, live!

yay to the call back and fingers crossed

Little Ms Blogger said...

OP: I'd be shocked if you weren't ranting right now. I'd be doing more.

Sunshinemeg: Thanks and I agree traffic does suck (the one good thing about being unemployed).

lacochran: Ohhhh I like delightfully sassy......

Heckety: Well, the only plus about the Monsoon weather conditions is that everyone looked like shit.

SimpleGirl - I don't know why but eating stuff from my garden makes me happy - yup, I'm a dork.

Children of the Nineties - haven't a clue where time went and I would like some back to redo the day.

Charmaine: Chicken manure - yeah, that lettuce would only be a visual for me as well.

Lee Beth: The rain has been a killer here in CT, but I'm liking the mild summer.

TudorCity: I'll let you know how it goes.

Otin: I can just rant on stupid, rude people that believe they're entitled all day long.

LiLu: It's delightfully sassy according to lacochran and I'm going with that - sounds so classy!

SillyStud: Maybe you should skip the game of pronouns and just play charades with mom.

Dan: some days balance out, some don't. I love radishes, but am not growing any.

Missy: Yippeeeeee!!!!!

Miss Rambles - Yay to the $$, but I'm hoping you have AC at home so you don't melt into a puddle.