Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rant and Rave Wednesday

Wednesday, July 15, 2009....

Any readers following me on a regular basis know if it's Wednesday, it's time to Rant and Rave about the past week. Without further adieu, here are my Rants and Raves from the past week:

Rave: Learning that 20 minutes daily in the sun without sunscreen is all the body needs to get its daily dose of Vitamin D. I'm all over this one.

Rant: A woodchuck has eaten the brussel sprouts at one of the gardens my husband planted (this one is not at my house).

Rave: Listening to my husband devise plans of how he's going to get the woodchuck and then hearing him tell me as we're on the phone that one has just run by him and is now under his shed safe and sound. This has all the makings of Bill Murray in Caddyshack.

Rave: Loving the great weather. It gives me a reason to appreciate not working at the moment.

Rant: Trying to figure out why I am watching The Bachelorette. I asked my sister this question the other day and she had no answer. Of course, I shouldn't expect one from a person who watches the show also. All sense of logic and reason are thrown out the window.

Rave: Got to hang out with a friend at B&N the other night and was able to indulge in one of my favorite past times with books - reading the ending.

Rave: Huge dinner thingy at my house this weekend with gfs from high school. We made it a weekend last year, but I don't have the room to host 9 people. It'll be fun. Most live in CT, but one is coming in from RI and the other Egypt. I am hoping my friend remembers to bring the ingredients for the Hop, Skip and Go Naked Drink. YUMMMMMYYYY....

So, how was your week? Any Rants and Raves you want to share? I would love to hear them or if you're doing your own Rant & Rave Wednesday, put your link in the comments section so others can read.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for your next post to be about the attempt to blow up a woodchuck. That was cracking me up.

lacochran said...

Okay, I'll bite. What's in a Hop, Skip & Go Naked?

And, do you mean you read just then ending of books? How is that pleasurable?

Little Ms Blogger said...

Sunshinemeg: I'll let you know. There's already been mention of a roof, lawn chair and gun.

Lacochran: 6 bottles beer, 1 can lemonade concentrate & 3 shots vodka (can always add more if you want a little extra hop skip in your go nakeds) Recipe from a Maryland friend.

I read the endings before starting the book....

Maria said...

Rave: LOVING this cool July weather, but something tells me the hot and putrid weather will haunt us in August and September

Rant: In the middle of major drama with women in my dept (translation: clucking hens)

And you reading the end of the books reminds me of When Harry Met Sally when Billy Crystal did that since he said he could do at any time

Maria said...

LMB, TYPO ALERT....I meant to say Billy Crystal read the ending of books because he said he could die (not do) at any time

P said...

I had more of a rant today, not much raving involved. It's not been the best of weeks... :(

Joanna Jenkins said...

I'm with you on Bachelorette... WTH!?!?!?!

Have a BLAST this weekend for your gal pals!

This is my first visit. Nice to meet you! I'll be back again soon.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Hmmm, rants and raves. I think I'm better at ranting than raving. Better work on that.

Enjoyed the woodchuck Caddyshack story. Hope he catches the bugger.

Angela said...

I often wonder why I watch The Bachelorette as well since I often feel like I can actually feel my brain shrinking while watching it. But I just can't turn away.

Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...

Hey thanks for your awesome honest comment. Really cool. I'm amazed I got is really funny...hubby vs woodchuck. Ranting and raving is great isn't it?

CC. said...

i work in SoNo. originally from Wilton, moving to Stamford currently---crazyyyyyy! a small world we live in. and a woodchuck ran in front of my car the other day, i missed in my a fraction of a time ill hit him--just kidding i dont like killing animals!

TudorCity Girl said...

LOVE it and so love your blog!
I am SO with you on the raves.. This great weather finally sure makes it nice to be unemployed, huh?! Did the same thing at Barnes & Noble (the one in Norwalk!) the other night...Was great.
Thanks for the nice commment.. I tried to respond back on blog.
And..Sooo soooo true about Bachelorette!
Enjoy the semi-sunshine today. :)

Little Ms Blogger said...

m.p - NOOOO to thoughts about icky Aug/Sept weather....and yes I think about Billy Crystal when I read endings.

P - Sorry to hear thought. Hope things get better.

JJ - Thanks for the visit and still scratching my head on bachelorette.

Midlife - I'm hoping he doesn't - love the woodchuck...

Angie - I know but it's so damn enjoyable.

Lee Beth - You're welcome. I agree R&R is great.

C.C. I'm so glad you didn't hit him, love the woodchuck. You probably drive by where I live on the way to work.

TudorCity - I read your comments and I'm happy to hear you like my blog (really like yours). Funny, I live in Norwalk, but am closer to the Westport B&N which is where I was.

DB said...

Rant - worked way too much on Monday and Tuesday.

Rave - took Thursday and Friday off.

Rant/Rave - playing golf 4 days in a row. This could potentially kill me :) but looking forward to it.