Friday, October 5, 2012

Living the Ordinary Life

Over the past several months, I've been struggling with just being "ordinary". I lead a fairly quiet life, haven't accomplished anything that put others in awe of me or discovered the cure for any horrible disease. However, wherever I turn, I'm bombarded with stories of people who've done something fantastic with their lives.

The more I read about extraordinary people the more I began to question what I was doing with my life. How often have I heard the statement "if you follow your dreams, you'll be successful" and am left thinking is there something wrong with me because I have no dream that drives me to put everything else on the sidelines. To wonder why I don't have that kind of tunnel vision and be focused or driven. Often, I'm left being annoyed with magazines that only profile these people. Once I'd like to see an article about the 'average' person.

While I admire people who do reach their goals, I've come to the realization that there are more people in the world who lead fairly quiet lives and can be happy with their surroundings and I'm one of those everyday people.

I enjoy quiet moments with my husband, love going to bed on freshly clean and ironed sheets, am thrilled when the refrigerator is clean and am thrilled when I finish a project to the best of my ability.

I have many dreams, but will I ever be one of those over-the-top super special people whom articles are written about? Probably not. But, I've finally come to the place where I can read about these people, appreciate their accomplishments and also know I do small but powerful things that make my life just a little bit better..


Brian Miller said...

there have def been times i am between dreams and not really know a direction for life...and see all those around me and wonder...and then the next thing you know i got something...i think being aware of it too gets our heads turning so here is to hoping a big dream jumps up and bites you...or even a little never know...smiles.

Brian Miller said...

and you do small powerful things that make life worth it

angelsroy33 said...

Wow,...I really feel the same way. My husband isn't like this, but due to extenuating circumstances, he's had to put his pursuits on hold. He's constantly telling me to push myself, and I've never been a very driven person. Adding too that I like our little ordinary, quiet life. Throw in our kittehs, (and soon hopefully a dog or two,) and I'm in heaven. Easy to please. I totally understand where you're coming from and I'm right there with you.

Heckety said...

just remember that those highly successful and driven people often leave a trail of housekeeping a mile wide behind them, and its the oridinary and invisible people who get to do the cleaning up, mending, repairing, bringing up of their children, etc, and whose wives and families are oftentimes the lonlinest people on the planet because they can't admit in public that this incredible achiever has any faults.
My dear, ordinary can be just as good and necessary, and this is my long-considered opinion!

Little Ms Blogger said...

Brian - thanks for the "small powerful things" comment. I think/hope I do and I'm happy with that. While I appreciate the people with the big dreams, I appreciate that I don't have the tunnel vision to be that focused and appreciate all things.

angelsroy33 - I really wanted to write this post and thought people would think I was giving up and that's far from truth. I'm glad there are other people who are happy just be ordinary.

Heckety - You're right. I forget about the part that extraordinary people need individuals like me to make their dreams true.

Pat said...

Wait - you IRON your sheets? See - right there you impressed ME! There is nothing wrong with being the quiet one. I think a person who is loving, kind and friendly is just as accomplished as any superstar.

DB said...

Most people are like you and me versus being extraordinary and driven. Nothing wrong with that. Besides, you are driven to iron those sheets of yours..LOL - you should not minimize that.

I think your goals in life should be to be happy, to have a good support system in friends/family, and to create some meaning for yourself. And I think you have done that just fine.

Little Ms Blogger said...

Pat - Yes, I do iron my sheets and am completely mocked for it by family and friends. But, in my mind, it makes a HUGE difference.

DB - thanks, I'm always working on trying to be a nicer person, let go of anger whenever possible. I think that's a never ending goal.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a matter of figuring out what's important to you and then doing a bit here and a bit there. Not necessarily doing everything at once.

And it isn't a matter of "if you follow your dreams, you'll be successful", it's more like if you work really, really hard towards your dreams and goals, you may just get what you want!

People tend to leave out the work hard bit.

Maria said...

LMB, you iron your sheets? You need to submit letters to People Magazine that get published and your ordinary life will be extraordinary.

Constar said...

oh i know exactly what you mean!! Theres this list that one of the magazines do, millionaires under 30, they all have these incredible passions and dreams and aspirations. Me? all i want is a nice cup of coffee a book and a blanket. I used to feel bad about it like i should be driven to have something other then the simple.... but i like the simple! im glad to see im not the only one :)

Little Ms Blogger said...

Lady Jewels Diva – I agree that people tend to forget to emphasize how much hard work it took them to achieve their goals. Although, they might, but most articles I am reading write about them after they’ve reached their goal and what life is like now.

Maria – Ummm…I don’t think getting published in People will make my life extraordinary….considering I don’t read the magazine.

Constar – I’m glad there are people out there like me. At the right time of day, a good cup of tea makes me truly happy.

Logical Libby said...

I could have written this. Every word. I know exactly what you feel. It's awful. You feel hopeless, and like you are wasting potential. All I can tell you is that truly mediocre people don't care that they are, and don't want to strive to do more. You do. And hopefully, we will both find our spotlights.