Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Multitasking: Apparently, the Missing Male Skillset

I have to admit, I suck at it too. Actually, I can do it, but have noticed how anxious I feel after a multi-tasking session.

I read a blurb in the October issue of Yoga Journal about a study done at the University of California focusing on the present moment and had an 'a-ha' moment. While the study delves into people rehashing their past, or worrying about the future, I realized how often I'm not in the present.

While I 'watch' tv, I also pay bills, read a book, play an online game or surf the Internet. I end up missing a lot of nuances of the show. At work, it is worse. I'll be responding to an email when I get the pop-up screen that another has arrived in my inbox. Of course I have to go look at it. Depending upon the email, I'll start to respond and the cycle just starts over with another email popping up in my inbox. By the end of the day, I'm finishing up about 10 half-attempts at email responses, and closing out another 20 emails.

Whether for fun or work, I take it upon myself to try to be there for everyone the moment they need me. Unfortunately, I'm always left feeling a bit anxious.

I know some people are great multi-taskers. I'm learning I'm not and am actually okay with that. After reading the magazine blurb, I realized I need to just focus on one thing at a time. Whether I'm watching tv, reading or responding to emails at work, I'm going to be in the now. I'd rather enjoy, or focus, on what I'm doing before moving on. I've only starting adopting this attitude. However, I've noticed I'm not anxious or uneasy and feel as if I've focused 100% on a situation. address the title of this blog.....I often hear how men have a weakness for not being able to multi-task and am now wondering if they choose not to because they've known all along how more efficient and calm you can be when you don't.


Brian Miller said...

ha. i have to multi-task...and i dont mind it...there are some things that are easier to multi task...and def some thing i know i can not because it requires concentration....

Little Ms Blogger said...

I guess I get distracted far too easily and most things I am doing require concentration - otherwise, I'm only 1/2 listening and know I might be on the hook for something.

JennyMac said...

I used to think multi-tasking was a great skill I I know I am also doing multi things in half assed fashion. Ugh.

JennyMac said...
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Little Ms Blogger said...

@Jenny Mac - I'm finding I finish things quicker when I focus on only one thing at a time. It's nice to know when I work on something, it's done and I can move on.

Liz Mays said...

I'm an absolutely horrible multi-tasker, just horrible. I wish I had that ability but I do not!

lacochran's evil twin said...

I have heard that multitasking is a myth--we only think we're dividing our brain between many things but we're actually just interrupting one thing to focus on another. Hence, that overwhelmed feeling at the end of the day when you try to loop back through all the things you pushed down on your stack.