Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nothing Says Love Like a Kidney......

Thursday, January 8, 2009....

Typically, I don't blog about the latest headlines, but I couldn't pass up commenting on a L.I. divorce settlement request.

It is truly obvious from the request that the husband, a doctor, is the bitter party in this divorce. Not only bitter, but as a doctor, he is also very selfish and immature.

I am going to assume, as a doctor, one understands the importance of saving another's life. I also believe that when any donor makes the sacrifice the recipient is not expecting a childhood game of "indian-giver" to ensue down the road.

What a total idiot! Will attorneys now need to incorporate new donor language stating they can not, at a future date, ask for the organ or a dollar equivalent for said organ back because they don't like the donor (or what if donor has done nothing with his/her life since the operation).

Mr. Bitter-Party-of-One, get OVER yourself.... Even if you are using the kidney as a bargaining tactic, you have kids. At some point, your children will grow up and be able to understand what you've done. Why would you want them to think less of you? Why wouldn't you want them to remember you saved their mother's life?

Counseling. Try it. I've heard it works for many.


rachaelgking said...

Ugh. That's heavy. No one gave him the memo that Karma Is A Bitch...

Date Weary said...

This news story came up during lunch today, and my boss, having gone through a divorce in which he got taken to the cleaners, actually thinks it was ok for the guy to ask for his kidney back since the wife wants the house. House....kidney... I don't know, I don't think you can really make a comparison between the 2.....