Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rant and Rave Wednesday

Wednesday, March 18, 2009...

If it's Wednesday, it must be Rant and Rave day. Without further adieu, here my Rants and Raves for the past week:

Rant: Evil Janet, a.k.a, my friend the trainer, has been pushing me harder and harder. I swear she gave me a free boob lift the other day because I couldn't raise my arms and my chest was killing me.

Rave: I can still walk after training.

Rave: I can still walk after training. Oh wait, I already said that, but feel it important to repeat this fact.

Rant: Slow drivers that should just park their cars and walk to their destination. The other day, I was driving back from training and once I entered the center of town, I got behind an out-of-state driver. The town I was driving in has a reputation for being cute. People pack the Main Street on sunny weekends and just browse the shops. I believe this woman thought she was on a tour bus and could drive 10 to 15 miles under the speed limit. She sped up when the lights were turning yellow to leave me stuck at the red ones. I eventually caught up (turtles could have passed her) and if you drive a standard and are traveling uphill, you'd know why I was slightly annoyed.

Rave: I joined my local park's Plant Sale committee to raise funds which have been cut by city's budget for park's maintenance.

Rant: Why individuals feel the need to chat with me when the co-chairperson was trying to talk about committees. Did I really need to hear how one fungus killed this guy's 60 cactus plants; or other random stuff not having to do with the purpose of the meeting.

Rave: I should be happy that people find me approachable and can talk to me about anything. It is a bit funny since I'm sometimes a little shy when I first meet people.

Rave: Went out Saturday to support my friend's son who shaved his head to raise money for cancer. I think it is great that no matter how young you are (he was 11) you can give of yourself to help others. What impressed me most is that he asked his mom if he could do this. It meant a lot to him because his friend in school is battling cancer.

Rant: Food Hangovers. They really suck.

It's been a good week. Please feel free to post your Rants and Raves in the comments' section. I'd love to hear how other people's week went.

1 comment:

SillyStud said...

RAVE: "Australia" the movie... I had such low expectations for this one and I loved it...

RANT: Drivers who don't use headsets... I know that this is a tired one, but I'm amazed that there are so many people out there holding their phone to the ear while driving.