Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lawn Ornaments....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008....

Can anyone explain the deal with lawn ornaments? Wait. That was harsh. I'm not the yard police and know that everybody has the freedom to express their need for the plastic year-round lawn deer (don't confuse this entry with Christmas lawn ornaments that come down sometime prior to Mother's Day). I've also seen stone bunnies, gnomes, skunks and fake dogs, but today, I saw my first ceramic gopher/woodchuck on someone's lawn.

Next to the very shiny lawn gopher were two welcome signs. The gopher was life size positioned at the end of the lawn and wonder, how long do these people think that gopher will remain there. Seriously, it is in the perfect position, close to the road, for a snatching.

I have two thoughts about this gopher....1) how long will it last? I say 5 days; and 2) will it be stolen as by a teenager as part of a prank; or by a neighbor to restore the beauty of the neighborhood.



rachaelgking said...

I desperately want plastic hot pink flamingos in my yard, just to be kitchy. But I'm weird like that.

Little Ms Blogger said...

Kitchy is fun....

Liberty Lessard said...

I'm totally sympathizing with your disgust (okay so maybe not disgust - but close to it) for lawn ornaments. My next door neighbor’s yard is full of anything and everything. Here I am every week making sure the grass is cut, making sure the edging is done, making sure my trees are pruned, making sure my flower beds are clean...and why? It can't look that great next to the neighborhood dump!

Anonymous said...

I am totaly with LiLu on this one. I love plastic hot pink flamingos. When my daughter turned 16 it was December and they were nowhere to be found in the Chicago area. So I got 16 plastic penguins from Home Depot and put them in the yard. It wasn't the same, but they were pretty cute!