Friday, July 31, 2009....
No. I didn't take advantage for the trade-in for gas guzzling cars, or buy great shoes. Instead, I bought a new scale. I know you're jealous. Admit it.
I had one, but it was wonky. Every time I'd step on it, which was next to never, the numbers would flash and then I'd get errrr..... as the end result. Hell, I know I have to lose weight, but I think there are better ways other than my scale flashing errr.....
Having a lot of time to reflect last week, I decided to start some sort of diet (I don't want to use that word because I envision big bowls of lettuce which is okay, I guess, if I were a rabbit) and thought I should weigh myself and figure out calorie count for my target 10% goal (counting calories allows me to sneak in a small Crumbs cupcake - the large suckers, although tasty as hell, are 780 calories).
Monday, scale works fine. Tuesday, same thing, same number. Wednesday down 2 lbs. I equate this to realizing I'm finally eating the right amount of calories and I exercised. However, Thursday, down another 2 lbs. NOT. Instead of jumping with joy, I think my scale is a big fat liar. I step on again. After several wonky readings, I get one that puts me 8 lbs higher. WTF???
Final straw. I'm not into Magic 8 Ball readings (although, they are helpful when making major life decisions - JOKING), I consulted YogaGirl because she loves her scale and purchased the Weight Watchers scale.
You can do a lot on the scale. I was only interested in a normal reading and one I can see. However, you can measure your body fat %, Body Water, Bone Mass. Isn't it enough to be depressed when you see the weight? Why add the others into the mix so early in the morning?
My favorite thing about my scale, other than it works, is the sticker on it. "Use of this scale by persons with any electrical implant such as a heart pacemaker or by pregnant women, is not recommended."
I get the lithium battery/pacemaker connection (okay, I can't, but can), but lithium battery/pregnancy? I'm not seeing it.
Either way, the warning label made me chuckle. Unfortunately, my weight on the scale didn't.
Weight on the scales will certainly not make you chuckle...doesn't make me chuckle either..It never does!! ;)
I am so frustrated with my scale right now. Not because of the number it keeps showing me, but I bought a cheap one and use it every week. I went to the dr. this week and got weighed and there was a difference. I think I am going to splurge and get a nice one. Happy weekend.
My scale broke and I'm scared to get another one.
Good thing you got rid of the blasphemous scale!!! New one sound very new fangled. I haven't owned a scale since college...they do nothing good for my self-esteem.
I weighed myself at home and thought, "Not bad. Could do better but passable."
Then I went to the doctors. They've got a REAL scale with sliding weights...yeah. 4 lbs MORE than mine at home.
So I made myself a martini...
I'm actually very happy with my scale! Except when I go to the doctors and realize I'm heavier than I thought, but at least my scale number doesn't fluctuate 8 LBS! That sucks.
I'm with you - I just want the scale to supply a repeatable number that agrees with the one in the clinic. Any other functionality is completely optional.
Long ago in a galaxy far far away, The Sharper Image sold a digital scale that did all of those things I desired and did them well. So I'm just hoping mine has another thirty years of use left in it. It's the only scale I've ever had that is always in agreement with the doctor's scale.
scale?weight?lbs? Whatever are you guys on about?!
Good luck with the new scale! I'm a WW member and LOVE the program.
However, since we moved two months ago, I haven't seen my scale. That's probably why I've gained a few pounds. If I can weigh often, I can refrain from over-doing it.
And I wanna hear more about your "money pit" and the interesting cooking challenge you've got going. Or link me your past posts about it.
Thanks! Happy weekend!
I have that same scale that tells you the BMI, bone mass (why??) and all that junk... I have a love/hate relationship with it. Unfortunately I can't break up with it, I stand on it everyone morning and cuss it out, except when I've eaten and drank way too much and it tells me I've lost weight and think 'how did that happen?'
I'm of the opinion you should eat decently, exercise and love your body.
I can't even talk about my weight right now! I swear my scale is lying!!
I pick the lowest reading I can get. Of course, I've been known to get into some strange positions to see just how many ounces I can shave off if I lift my left foot and lean out a little and...
LOL...and pregnant don't need a scale because they can't see it anyway. :)
I hate scales (cause i am addicted to mine)! They should be banned...
Yeah... this is why I don't have a scale.
LMAO about the pregnant woman warning!!
kasabiangirl - so true and that's why I do it 1st thing in a.m. before I've had a chance to register it.
Sunshinemeg - the one I just got is good. Not liking that it isn't showing me what I want, but it works. Btw, did you ever think the doc's scale is wrong? :-)
Peach Tart - LOL...don't blame you...
Eyes Wide Open - I'm just glad this one doesn't talk. Imagine hearing you're too fat? That would surely do a number on the psyche.
f8hasit - smart move and just remember, the doc's scale was wrong NOT yours.
Taylor - good to hear about home scale, but I'm noticing a trend that everyone weighs more on home scales...still sticking with doc scales are wrong, higher because they are in cahoots with diet industry.
Dan- wow. I'm impressed your scale has lasted for what appears a long time. Most of the ones I get die every few years.
Heckety - what are we talking about? Self torture.
a neske - WW works, but thought I'd try the counting calories instead of points
Ventilator - I've always been puzzled by weight loss after a reckless day of eating and drinking.
inkObsessions - I totally agree with you.
lacochran -- yeah, I've fallen more times than I'd like to admit doing the lean... :-)
JennyMac - exactly! I'm thinking why bother if you can't see your feet.
LiLu - your kitties could stand on them and avoid B's pee stream. My kitty used to stand on the scale until I looked down at her. Once I saw the weight, she get off. Little brat just wanted to show me she was in perfect shape..
L,L & Lola - yeah, that made me laugh too.
Keys to losing weight: Don't use sugar, don't add salt, don't eat fried foods, juice and fruit are ok in moderation. Keep no chips in the house, popcorn is better... Damn, I should write a diet book!!!lol
I wrote my blog about weight loss today too! Crazy please stop copying me... oh wait I wrote my blog after you. =( I bought a nice scale from Costco last year, and I am pretty sure they still carry it. Its from Weight Watchers and I don't remember how much it was maybe $25. Thanks for the great blog have a good weekend.
Our scale broke.
And im so glad it did.
I weigh myself on the wii fit everyday. It hates me. And I'm not particularly fond of it either.
Haha - I adore you. You use the word wonkey. I try to use wonkey as liberally as possible. ;)
Unfortunately, I don't own a scale, so I can't comment on that portion of the post. ;)
i love the cute black digital scale of my boyfriend's parents.i think i scale myself every other day just so i would be able to use it. well, my weight didnt really changed no matter how i eat or pig out. its still always 45 kilos. i think im underweight or the scale is just kapot heheh.
Ah the joys of the morning weigh in. Going down a fraction of a pound can lift yout spirits for the entire day...stupid numbers go up andyour running for the chocolate!
I use the gym scale- it has those lovely slidy things and it weighs two pounds less than te one at home.
Since I'm not going to the gym right now- my weight does not exist.
You are brave. The scale is NOT my friend :-)
Love it ! A fellow "cupcake"
Hubby stole my scale out of the bathroom to weigh some boxes he was shipping out...I have no idea where he put it, and no desire to hunt it down and have it mock me...the Wii Fit does enough mocking for the both of them. ;)
I HATE Scales! They are my worthless pieces of sh*t!
I ditto Peach Tart and Missy.. I've been too scared to buy a new scale...for the past 12 years!!
I see anyone who weighs in as very brave. I'd rather not know. I go by sizes... The numbers scare me. :)
Otin - So, basically eat cardboard!
La La Leah - Probably same scale, but yours was cheaper b/c you were smart enough to buy at COSTCO.
Constructive - LOL
Smart Mouth - You're brave...I heard Wii puts up an image of self when you weigh in. I don't need the truth while looking in a mirror.
Serious - Oh, I've laughed, but not in a good way.
noelle - Isn't it a great word
Pinary - @ least it's nice to you
Modern Mom - you said it!
Zoe - Your theory about the scale is like diet cola - when drink dc with fattening food, the calories disappear.
Joanna - Oh, it's a love-hate relationship
Elise - thanks for stopping by
Stacy - I've heard that about Wii
Missy - LOL. Although, I know you're probably serious.
TC - I want to change the #s on the clothes I wear, so I need the scale and journal to keep me honest.
Self torture is it? I thought that was when you look up your dodgy spellings in the dictionary and find that yes, they are wrong, and yes, you'd better go back and fix 'em...
i loathe scales...they lie and not just every now and then...all the time. I've never met a scale that was honest.
I bought an eletronic scale that told me I was 1 stone (14 pound/6.5kg) heavier than I actually was.
Needless to say, they went back to the shop!!!
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